Part 3: Outlook
We reiterate our call for a “European Deal for the Future” which should be green, social and international. The implementation of the SDGs in the EU over the period 2024-2029 must include four overarching priorities: (1) collectively, scale up investments in clean energy and digital technologies in the EU now and lay the foundations for an ambitious investment strategy well into the next decade via an ambitious Multiannual Financial Framework 2028-2035; (2) strengthen pro-social measures to address the EU’s stagnation on the “Leave no one behind” principle of the SDGs, the social consequences of inflation, rising budget pressures and rising geopolitical tensions; (3) address the negative health and environmental impacts from unsustainable consumption, by prioritising notably the just transition toward healthier and more sustainable diets, and finally (4) harness SDG/Green Deal Diplomacy with all regions, uphold the principles established in the UN Charter and support an ambitious reform of the GFA, including at the forthcoming FFD4 Conference in Sevilla, Spain in June 2025.