Displaying Ratings
Ratings provide a visual representation of a country’s performance on the SDG.
SDG achieved
Challenges remain
Significant challenges remain
Major challenges remain
Information unavailable
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Life expectancy at birth
Gap in life expectancy at birth among regions
Standardised preventable and treatable mortality
Population with good or very good perceived health
New reported cases of tuberculosis
Suicide rate
Gap in self-reported health, by income
Mortality rate, under-5
Age-standardised death rate attributable to household air pollution and ambient air pollution
Gap in self-reported unmet need for medical examination and care, by income
People killed in road accidents
Population engaging in heavy, episodic drinking at least once a week
Surviving infants who received 2 WHO-recommended vaccines
Smoking prevalence
People covered by health insurance for a core set of services
Individuals that use the internet to make appointments with a practitioner
Share of total health spending financed by out-of-pocket payments
Subjective Wellbeing