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SDG achieved

Challenges remain

Significant challenges remain

Major challenges remain

Information unavailable


Requests for protection of an invention directed either directly to the European Patent Office (EPO) or filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and designating the EPO (Euro-PCT), regardless of whether they are granted or not. The patent applications are alloted according to the country of residence of the applicant listed on the application form. In cases where several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies. The country of residence of the (first) applicant is not necessarily the same as the county of residence of the inventor(s).

Long-Term Objective

Average of top performers (Europe) without outliers

The long-term objective for this indicator is a value of 240.


European Patents Office

Select one of the SDGs to see it on the map or display the overall scores

Patent applications to the European Patent Office